Contestant Info

The 2025 Palm Springs Hot Rodeo is an IGRA-sanctioned event and all 2025 IGRA Rodeo Rules will be followed.  Please refer to for more information.  Click on the IGRA Rodeo Rules link in the box on the right for updated IGRA Rodeo Rules.


Contestant registration can be found through the IGRA portal here: 

RETURNING CONTESTANTS: Contestants with an existing IGRA Contestant number must pre-register for Hot Rodeo 2025.  Follow the IGRA link above to access the IGRA Contestant portal to pre-register online.

NEW CONTESTANTS: New Contestants or Contestants that have been issued an IGRA Contestant number for the first time within 30 days prior to Hot Rodeo 2025 do not need to pre-register and must attend Friday night Contestant Registration.  Contact for questions and additional information.

Contestant Registration will be held at the The Tool Shed (600 E Sunny Dunes Rd, Palm Springs, CA 92264)

Contestant Event Entry Fees:  Per 2025 IGRA Rodeo Rules I. 8. – Contestant must enter a minimum of one event each day, or two events on one day; Contestant Pre-registration must be accompanied by a non-refundable $60 deposit; Contestants must reserve the appropriate number of horse stalls.  Per 2025 IGRA Rodeo Rules VIII.3 – Contestant Entry fees are $30 per event per day.  All Entry Fees paid at registration must be paid in cash, certified check, money order or credit card only.

No Personal or Business checks of any kind will be accepted!

Ranch Saddle Bronc Riding

Hot Rodeo 2025 will include Ranch Saddle Bronc Riding as part of the competition. Contestants interested in participating are encouraged to prepare and review the event guidelines.

Late Registration Policy

(2025 IGRA Rodeo Rules VIII. 2. F & G)
Late entries for Hot Rodeo 2025 will be accepted. A flat $50 late fee will be charged per contestant for rough stock and roping events.  The late fee applies to contestants who have not pre-registered, as well as pre-registered contestants adding rough stock and roping events after the pre-registration deadline. New contestants (those not assigned an IGRA contestant number prior to April 01, 2024) will not be charged a late fee.  Please contact for more information.

Added Money

Please check back for updates on Added Money for the Hot Rodeo 2025.

Horse Check-in and Stall Fees

(IGRA Rodeo Rules VII.20)
Horse contestants are provided one (1) stall at no cost. Contestants reserving additional stalls will be required to pay stall fees of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per additional stall for the rodeo weekend. Tack Stalls are not available.  Stalls are not guaranteed for contestants who do not make reservations prior to the contestant online pre-registration cutoff date (Friday, April x).  Late entries and those contestants not reserving an adequate number of stalls will be charged a fifty dollar ($50.00) late fee.  New contestants (those not assigned an IGRA contestant number prior to April x, 2024) will not be charged a late stall fee for the first stall. Please email for reservation information.

All horses must be off the rodeo grounds by 11:00 am on Monday, May 5, 2025.

It is the responsibility of contestants to know the state laws and rules regarding Health Certificates and Coggins tests for each state that will be traveled.  For additional information, see the website (U.S.) and (Canada).


The California Department of Food and Agriculture has also issued a caution for California Equine Events.  Please see the CDFA website for information:

For more information visit CDFA – AHFSS – AHB – EH – Equine Herpes Virus ( .

Note: Pets are allowed in the “barn” and spectator areas only and must be on leashes and under control at all times. Those individuals failing to comply will be asked to leave the premises.

Veterinarian  |  Ferrier

Barn Manager, Veterinarian and Farrier information will be included in the pre-registration letter to contestants and in the contestant bags, as well as posted in the barn area and around the grounds.  If you would like further information before arriving at the rodeo grounds, please email

Per IGRA Rodeo Rules VII, the hosting association must provide information for an on-call Veterinarian and Farrier during the period of time animals are permitted at the rodeo grounds; and an on-site Veterinarian during the running of all events. Contestants are responsible for paying the Veterinarian and Farrier for any personal use.

RV Parking  |  Camping  |  Horse Trailers

Reservations for RV parking, camping and horse trailers are required.  Contestants with horse trailers will be given one spot per trailer free of charge.  Otherwise, RV and camping spaces at the rodeo grounds are $20.  Please contact for more information.

Buddy Passes

Buddy Passes will be available at contestant registration only. No Buddy Passes will be available after close of registration. No replacement Buddy Passes will be issued if original is lost, stolen, or destroyed.  The fee for a Buddy Pass is $50.  Buddy Passes will allow access to all rodeo events including the Saturday night dance.

For contestants traveling with children age 14 and under, Junior Buddy Passes are available for $15 each.  Junior Buddy Passes allow access to all rodeo events at the Rodeo Grounds only.

There is a maximum of 1 Adult and 2 Junior Buddy Passes per contestant.

Buddies and Junior Buddies must be present at registration with contestant to purchase a pass.

Additional Information

Your contestant badge received at contestant registration on Friday night will gain you admittance to:


IGRA Rodeo Rule IV.4 will be strictly enforced.

"Any participant in an IGRA rodeo as a rodeo contestant, contestant buddy-pass holder, stock contractor and/or personnel, volunteers, rodeo officials, security personnel or royalty, may be asked by any acting rodeo official to leave the rodeo arena and secured working areas if under the influence or in possession of an open container of alcohol or any illegal drugs of any kind. Disciplinary action may be taken against any participant in an IGRA rodeo for the possession of an open container of alcohol or any illegal drug in the secured areas of the rodeo including the arena, chutes, barn, or contestant areas at any time from the start of the first rodeo event until the rodeo conclusion each day. Disciplinary action may include disqualification, and/or loss of certification."

Disciplinary action may include disqualification, and/or loss of certification. This includes any buddies you have signed in under your contestant number.


Please note that the main gate opens 15 minutes prior to the first rodeo event start time (to be announced after pre-registration closes). No one without an appropriate badge is permitted on the rodeo grounds prior to this time. If you are traveling with friends who do not have a buddy pass or badge, please understand that they will not be permitted to enter the grounds until the gates are open to the public. Gate opening times are subject to change, as the gate opening requires the approval of the Fire Marshal.